"Create The Life of Your Dreams and Master Your Subconscious With this Program"


Did you know that 80% of women are unhappy with their body image and have a lack of confidence? Did you know that unhappy people are toxic to the people around them which create anxiety between themselves and the people they love. Sounds crazy right?

Program starting on 27th May


3o Day to Tansforn your LIFE

With powerful mind techniques, you can remove guilt, shame, and anger which in turn creates sleep difficulties, depression and even heart attacks?

Why 30 Day Program?

Do you keep attracting the same people and situations into your life even though you know you want something different? Do you find yourself asking, “Why does this always happen to me?”

Every pattern that doesn’t serve you exists in one place – your subconscious mind. Your mind determines your experience of reality. Limiting beliefs and reactive energy patterns stored in your subconscious need to be re-programmed to achieve your true potential.

Imagine your life as you wish it could be right now. In this 30 day transformational program, you’ll be guided to experience the most powerful techniques to master your subconscious mind and achieve abundance, desired health, wealth and prosperity.

Hi , I am LEENA

NLP Practitioner, Certified Handwriting Analyst and Educationist by profession, but what defines me is the transformation that people have got in any area of their life be it health, prosperity, healing relationships or changing belief system. I have conducted numerous workshops, seminars and training sessions combining scientific mind techniques, manifestation and small steps to change habits. I feel gratitude and blessed to bring transformation in 1000s’ of lives be it my students, parents or corporate clients.



Love yourself, get involved in self-love and attract more love from others through these daily exercises in 2nd week of the program. Realtionships can easily break down, have issues, get stuck in a rut or just simply go through a bit of a rocky patch. It helps you understand what is really making your relationship not work, and simple ways to deal with it. It helps you to get back on track and gives you choices and the ability to feel great.


You will be able to design a life that fits who you are, you will put health & wellbeing at the center of your life with the help of daily podcasts and tasks. You will be able to create compelling goals, Clear obstacles from your past, break through stuck thinking, Develop and implement action plans that lead you to health and harmony.


Fill yourself with thoughts of positivity. Eat, sleep, dream successful thoughts. Cram them into your mind until you are oozing success from every pore. When you can envision what you want the most in your mind’s eye and never doubt your capabilities for a single moment, achievement can be yours. Use daily practices of this week and transform your dreams into a beautiful reality


IMAGINE BECOMING A MAGNET WHO ALMOST “MAGICALLY” ATTRACTS MONEY INTO YOUR LIFE- EVEN FROM UNEXPECTED PLACES! Overcoming limiting beliefs for money and empowering mindsets of wealthy through time tested daily tasks and manifesting techniques of law of attraction.

But Where Do You Start?

Fortunately, I’ve developed this program to help you develop your mind to achieve success in your life. This program can teach you how to overcome your fears and really rise to the heights of personal mastery over the mind.We now understand better than ever before how the mind works. We have the benefit of looking through history to see what other cultures and people practiced to reach the heights of mastery.The personal mastery guide is a synthesis of a variety of different techniques and methods with all of the excess removed.
If you want to master yourself and take this 30 Day Program, then the benefits will blow you away. Here are just some of them
…. and much more

Program starting on 27th May



Fast Action Bonus #1

Get your Signature Analysed

VALUE : Rs. 6,900

Fast Action Bonus #2

Get Access to facebook group

VALUE : RS. 7,000


TOTAL VALUE : 35,000

Rs. 35,000

Rs. 2,999 Only

book your spot now


Listen to what people say…

"From the very first time I saw Leena I could feel her positive spirit and I knew that she would be the person who helps me improve my life. Leena just shines with love and positivity and that makes it so easy to open up to her and engage. After every session I could feel a definite change, even though at first it seemed small. It is only after a trigger happens which would’ve normally set me off that I realised how big the changes actually are. The 30 day Transformation program helped me be more confident and less anxious. I feel more in control during situations in my life that used to be a problem area. I am a calmer person with set goals and a vision to improve my life and focus on my happiness."


CEO, Over earth

"The Inner Transformation program has been exceptionally fun, interesting, enlightening and implementable. It has allowed me to re-connect with my inner child, acknowledge difficulties and find solutions to ease them. This program has has provided a deeper sense of self, self-acceptance and self-love and has encouraged me to continue to develop my mind, body and Spirituality to it’s best state. If anything, the program, with Nelene’s help, has brought a sense of calmness and order to my life, inspiring me to share it with others."


Enterpreneur and Academician, Mother’s Grace Academy

Got a Question?

This is self-development program designed to change your life, your thought process, overcome limited belief system so that you can get what you want in life.
This program includes daily podcasts with tasks and scientific techniques to reprogram your mind. You will be dedicating 15-20 minutes to bring transformation in yourself. You can just click on the day and listen to podcast and do the activity from anywhere anytime.
Yes, it is important because these are tested scientific techniques which will work as habit formation. New habits will be formed which will bring transformation in your life
Signature analysis is a tool to know if any negative or unwanted personality traits are there which are working as road block to your success such as fear of success, temper, procrastination and many more